True Light Beliefs

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The Godhead (Deity Of Jesus)

With the advent of Roman theology at Nicaea, a dramatic change came in the apostles doctrine concerning the deity of Jesus, that would forever divide Christianity. Wars have been fought, families divided, churches in direct violation to the instructions given in 1 Corinthians 1:10: "That you all speak the same thing, that there be no divisions among you." The problem comes from leadership (pastors) who follow false spirits and refuse to be obedient to the Bible doctrine that comes to lead and guide in all truth.

First there is no scripture in any of the writings of the apostles that establishes Jesus as a second god; there is no scripture in the Bible that mentions a first god or a head god; nor can there be found any mention of a third god. From the very beginning, the Scriptures established a code of monotheism when referring to the Hebrew God Jehovah. And since we know that Christianity is rooted from Judaism (in that both segments follow the same GOD) He is not a different God, but the same Lord of both testaments.

Later his name was revealed in the Book of Exodus as Jehovah. Research teaches that God has many titles or title-names, such as Almighty, El-Shadia, God Almighty, Elohim, and other title names. However, He only has one revealed name, that being Jehovah.

Lord also is a title name used often in the New Testament in identification with Jesus. It always means Jehovah. Whether found in the Old Testament or in the New Testament, Lord, with the first letter capital, always is the reference to Deity (God). The question is not whether Jesus is God. The Bible is plain: He (Jesus) is Lord of all, and the Bible also is very plain, the Lord is the True God (Jeremiah 10:10)

Let us further examine the word Lord. It comes from the Hebrew word Adonai, which in the Hebrew means Jehovah. In Acts 2:36, the apostle Peter in his sermon to the Jews gives further revelation concerning the Godhead mystery.

Note vs. 36: "That same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, God has made both Lord and Christ." Connect this Scripture with the apostle Paul’s teachings in 1 Tim. 3:16: "Without controversy, great is the mystery, God was manifest in the flesh." We see that Paul refers to the incarnation, God transcending himself as the Messiah. Note the apostle Johns revelation in the first chapter of his gospel, vs. 14: "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us." The Word, according to vs. 1: ". . . Was with God, and the Word was God."

So, by connecting these four Scriptures, we see the clear revelation, that God became incarnate as the Son, and realizing that, the Scriptures also maintained that there is only one God; then we establish a solid foundation to a Bible fact-that Jesus is the only true and living God, and beside him there is none else.

The mystery of the Godhead is complex, because man uses natural logic to equate that which can only be interpreted by spiritual revelation. Paul taught in 1 Corinthians 2:14: "The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: For they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, for they are spiritually discerned." Trying to understand how Jesus was the Father, yet manifesting himself as the Son, will always remain as the Bible teaches, a great mystery, that comes only by divine revelation to the seeker of truth.

Many pastors attack the Jesus-Only (oneness) church, because pride has blinded their minds, causing them not to be able to rightly divide the word of truth, or allowing them to be instructed by a prophet God has chosen to bring them to a higher knowledge, thereby dividing the church, when the Bible teaches CHRIST is not divided. Some years ago, a pastor, who comes from a church that teaches Jesus is the Son only, stated that no apostle ever called Jesus God. I asked that pastor to read John 20:28. The story deals with Thomas, who doubts the Resurrection of Christ. Until Jesus stood in the midst and said "Peace be unto you." (vs. 26) And Jesus said to Thomas, "Be not faithless, but believe." (vs. 27) And note vs. 28: "And Thomas said unto Him, My Lord and my God."

In the Hebrew translation, there can be no doubt: Thomas called Jesus (Jehovah). When the pastor read this passage of Scripture with tears running down his face, he clenched his fist, struck the desk in his office where we were studying, and said, "Thomas lied."

Brothers and sisters, when a leader caught up in the web of false religion will not accept Bible Scripture for the obedience of the faith, how can that leader be a follower of God-since the Bible is the Divine Word of God? Jesus said, "Search the Scriptures, in them ye think we have eternal life, but these be they that testify of me."

All the Bible is about the Hebrew God, Jehovah, who came to the new covenant people as the Lord Jesus Christ. Note 1 John 5:20: "We know that the Son of God is come, and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him that is true, and we are in Him that is true, even in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life”.
If we keep the basic Bible foundation concerning the Godhead-that there is only one True God, again it is evidently clear, Jesus is God manifest in the flesh, who came as the Son to teach His chosen, the principles of the true faith-a Savior to all man kind who would believe.

Water Baptism

In Acts 1:2 "The Holy Ghost had given commandments to the Apostles whom he had chosen." Again we see that God had given certain instructions to his apostles for the building and guidance of His church sanctified. Peter had given instruction for all that would receive His word on the day of Pentecost that they should be baptized in the name of Jesus (Acts 2:38). In Matthew 28:19, we see a passage of the Apostles' instructions that has been used in error by church leaders who have not rightly divided the Word. If the latter passage is correct, why then did all the Apostles recorded in the Acts of the Apostles use the formula in the name of Jesus,Lord Jesus, or Jesus Christ?
Note in Acts 2:38, Peter baptized the Jews in Jesus' name. In Acts 8:16, Phillip baptized the Samarians in the name of Lord Jesus. In Acts 10:48, Peter baptized Gentiles in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. And in Acts 19:5, Paul baptized the Ephesians in the name of the Lord Jesus. Nowhere in the New Testament Bible can you find the apostles using the trinity formula; thus, we come to the reality that the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, must be Jesus, since we also realize that Father is not a name; Son is not a name, Holy Ghost is the DIVINE SPIRIT OF GOD, "Now if any man hath not the spirit of Christ, he is none of His." (Romans 8:9). The truth is that the first evidence of the trinity formula of baptism was introduced to the Christian church at the first Council Of Nicaea in 325 A.D. by Bishop Hosias, the spiritual adviser to Constantine the great, the Roman Emperor who was converted to Christianity by this corrupt church leader.
Constantine defeated Emperor Liscenius for total control over the Roman Empire, making him the most powerful leader the world had ever known since the days of Nimrod. Shortly after his victory over Liscenius, Constantine claimed to have been visited by an angel, with the instructions to unify the Christian churches under his leadership; he convened the great Council Of Nicaea in  325 A.D. and took upon the title Pontific Maximus(high priest) and Keeper of the Faith. Constantine, along with his spiritual adviser Hosias, began a systematic destruction of the church of the Apostles. They introduced a form of doctrine that would become the foundation of the Roman (Catholic) church.
Let us examine the following reference books and see palinly how they support what I have explained concerning the changing of a point of doctrine by wicked leaders who oppose the writings of the Apostles, and who would dare to change the sanctified Word of God without fear or remorse. Note in the Encyclopedia Britannica 11th Edition, vol.3, pg.365 Baptism was changed from Jesus name to  the words Father, Son, holy Ghost, in the 2nd century." Canney Encyclopedia of Religion, pg.53 "The early church baptized in the name of Jesus until the second century." Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion, Vol.2 Christians baptism was administered using the words "In the name of Jesus" pg.377. Note pg.389,"Baptism was always in the name of Jesus until the time of Justin Martyr. Schaff-Herzog Religious Encyclopedia, Vol.1 pg.435.. "New Testament knows only baptism in the name of Jesus." Hastings Dictionary Bible, pg.88" The threefold name of Matthew 28:19 was not used by early church, but rather the name of Jesus, Lord Jesus, or Jesus Christ." Note.. Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol.2, pg.263, "the authors acknowledged that the baptism formula was changed by their church."
My brothers and sisters, it was not until the First Council of Nicaea, that the trinity formula was put into evidence during a baptismal ceremony. By the authority did the leaders of the Roman Church used to change the very word the Apostles had given to the church for instructions in righteousness? Is it any wonder that Christianity is so confused and in such a state as multitudes are confounded as to what is sound doctrine? Where is the true Church of GOD in this final dispensation of time? Unless one follows a leader who follows the Doctrine of the Apostles, that individual can never find the holiness pathway that leads to the resting place that all souls seek after who truly seek after God.
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Holiness Dress Code

Makeup & Jewelry

Their were a time when all Pentecostal churches taught true holiness and observed the Bible teachings concerning jewelry for outward adorning. Genesis 35 from vs. 2: Jacob said to his household, "Put away the strange gods that are among you; be clean and change your garments." As we examine this part of the text, we see how God begins the process of sanctifying the house of Jacob. Note in vs. 4: " And they gave unto Jacob all the strange gods that were in their hand, and all the earrings which were in their ears; and Jacob hid them."
Notice how God identifies strange gods with earrings. The strange gods in this text identify with heathen customs. Earrings are a part of heathen customs. In the Book of Judges, Chapter 8; vs 24; "and Gideon said unto them, give me every man the earrings of his prey (those defeated in battle). For they had golden earrings, because they were Ishmaelites (heathen people).' The point of focus is that they had on earrings, because they were a heathen people.

The first identification with this custom came from the temple prostitutes, under the Babylonian goddess, Ishtar, whom the Bible calls in 1 Kings, 11:5 "Astoreth". She is also given the title Queen of Heaven, by the Prophet Jeremiah in the 44th Chapter of his writings. The greeks called the female deity Estarte, while her Egyptian title name was ISIS. The Prostitutes under the authority of Estarte was purposed to service men  of substance and the rich merchants throughout the empire. Among the arts developed by these women was the art of outward beautification. They learned how to make a paint from clay substance, and after diluting it with henna and other agents, they applied it to their faces, giving them a look that was different, and in contrast to women in that time period.
   Note Paul's writings in the 1 Timothy 2:9 that women had to dress according to holiness, "Not with gold or pearls (jewelry) or expensive dress,  "Women dress with shamefacedness" which means no make up, lipstick, or facial paint.

Shamefacedness also meaning opposite to women who have no shame and no honour, as  the prostitutes and women without values. Also, we connect the passage found in Proverbs 7:10 "and he met him a woman dressed as a prostitute." If she was dressed as a prostitute, there must be women who obviously do not dress as prostitues. Then, the question must be asked, "What is the dress of a prostitute?" Answer: She painted her face without shame and put earrings in her ears, in her nose and in her lips, for an outward look of vanity, without shame or moral conviction. Pastors in the churches today teach the sisters it's acceptable in holiness churches to wear jewelry and facial paint. I say to those pastors, " If you did not write 1 Timothy 2:9, or Peter 3:3; how can you change something you did not write." False leaders allowed the spirit of Jezebel to enter the Acts 2:38 church, they changed the Doctrine of the Aposltes, thereby perverting the Word of Truth, when God gave instructions in the last chapter of Revelations to not add on or take away from the Book of this prophecy.

The Veil Covering

The veil was a custom to the  holiness women since the days of Judaism which we can testify to in the book of Genesis 24:64-65 - "Rebekah lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac she lighted off the camel.. For she had said unto the servant, What man is this that walketh in the field to meet us? And the servant had said, It is my master: therefore she took a vail, and covered herself. Later this custom was introduced to the new testament church; If you go to 1 Corinthians 11:5 the bible states that a woman cannot pray or prophesy with her head uncovered. Now notice the word covered according to the hebrew lexicon means "veiled" The women in the church of Corinth was confused on Pauls teachings on grace. They thought becuase of Pauls writings on grace they no longer had to apply the jewish customs concerning the covering of the head with a veil.
In the Holmans Illustrated Bible Dictionary it shows why Paul wrote this epistle to the sisterhood in Corinth which states  In 1 Corinthians 11:1-16 , Paul dealt with the matter of covering the head in worship services. This extended treatment shows that this must have been a subject of considerable interest in Corinth.The Jewish custom was for all women to cover their heads with a veil when they went outside their homes. To appear in public without a veil was a sign of immodesty and lack of virtue. To appear in a worship service without a veil was unthinkable. Some of the Corinthian Christian women had evidently appeared in worship without a veil on their heads. Perhaps they had understood Paul's emphasis on Christian freedom to mean that they no longer had to observe any of the old Jewish customs-including that of wearing a veil. The effects of such a change in dress style had been disruptive to the worship services and Christian witness in Corinth. This led Paul to state that a woman should cover her head during the worship service. At the same time, he encouraged the men to follow the Jewish custom of worshiping with uncovered heads. Paul cited various reasons in 1 Corinthians 11:1-16 for his position. He referred to: (1) the order in creation ( 1 Corinthians 11:3 ), (2) social customs of the time (1 Corinthians 11:4-6 ), (3) the presence of angels (1 Corinthians 11:10 ), (4) nature itself (1 Corinthians 11:13-15 ), and (5) the common practice in the churches (1 Corinthians 11:16 ).

The principle here is that Christians must be sensitive to the cultures in which they live. They should not needlessly flout local customs unless there is some moral reason to do so. To be insensitive to the culture in which one lives causes one to offend many of the people whom the church is trying to win to Jesus Christ. It diverts attention away from the most important thing and focuses it on peripheral matters.

Holiness Apparel

Alot of people today make statements that God only looks at the heart and not at the appearance my question is how can a person heart be right and disobeying the Word of Truth? The Bible is very plain on dress code. The first scripture that alot of false churches won't accept today is Deuteronomy 22:5 which states "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God." The bible teaches in this passage that Women is to dress like Women and Men is to dress like Men. Women wearing pants regardless how clever the adversary may present it, God said its an abomination. If its not alright for men to put on a dress, then its not alright for women to wear pants. Note... the key word "PERTAINETH" which means to indentify. Pants wearing was originally for men and not women. If you examine the old sanctify churches you never seen women with pants on and you never seen men put a dress on. Why is it today that women calling themselves saved got on pants when the Bible speaks out against women wearing that which pertaineth to a man. It is because of the dominant false leadership of so called pastors that has crept in unawares and not preaching holiness. As we see today holiness living is not popular in todays culture, but the bottom line is holiness will always be right.
Also in 1 Timothy 2:9 the bible instructs women to adorn(dress) themselves in modest apparel...again if God don't care about dress code why did Gods Apostle tell the women to dress modestly, obviously dress code does matter other wise it would not be recorded as a testimony in the bible. Examine 1 Peter 3:3 it states "Whose adorning(dressing) let it not be that outward adorning(dressing) of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel. So you see very plainly that God wants his church to dress a certian way. Saved women can't come to church with short dresses on, high heel shoes, pants, short shorts, showing legs, breasts etc (note... verse 10 But which becometh women professing godliness) with good works, and men can't dress like women.
No holidays copy

Festivals (We DO NOT Celebrate)

  • Valentine's Day
  • Easter
  • Haloween
  • Christmas
  • Lent

These are Pagan Festivals and are not celebrated at True Light.

Deuteronomy 18:9
"When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations."

Colossians 2:8
"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ."